The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

I came across the error below earlier when debugging an MVC website in Visual Studio 2012. 

Could not load file or assembly ” or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. HRESULT: 0x80131040

This puzzled me for a little while until I came across the post below.  It basically said to just delete the offending dll from the bin folder. I then rebuilt the solution and everything worked ok.  My error was with the Newtonsoft.Json.dll, Unfortunately I didn’t catch the full error hence the empty quotes in my error message above.


Visual Studio 2012 Extension to add a separate Pending Changes Window like in Visual Studio 2010

A colleague of mine (Lewis) recently sent out a link to a great extension that you can add to Visual Studio 2012.  It allows you to have a separate Pending Changes Window like you used to have in Visual Studio 2010.   You will love this if you can’t get used to the new Team Explorer, for example if you find it is slower to view your pending changes and are frustrated with the new way that you have to exclude changes before you check in.

It is called TeamPilgrim and can be downloaded at the following URL

If anyone has come across any other alternatives to TeamPilgirm I would be grateful if you can post some links.

TeamPilgrim Visual Studio 2012 screenshot